Behaviour at Grange Primary Academy

At Grange Primary Academy we will make sure that all our children fulfil their potential and become the very best that they can be.

We believe that when our children are successful learners, when they are happy, safe and inspired by all that they are and all that they are becoming.  When they are nurtured and supported in their learning and growth, they are guaranteed to achieve and become the leaders of the future.

There is nothing more important to us than pupil learning – there are no excuses or barriers to learning.

Pupils learn best in a safe secure environment, free from disruption.

We believe in early intervention: being pro-active rather than reactive. We believe that praise is the most powerful form of influencing children’s behaviour. We believe that behaviour is a symptom of a wider problem, not the problem itself.

We aim for all our pupils to leave us as mature young people, able to act and interact in all social settings in an excellent manner that reflects their core values of integrity and respect. We believe that they will be intrinsically motivated to do the right thing.

All children have the entitlement to learn in an environment that is free from disruption. Clear boundaries that are consistently enforced alongside a culture of high expectations and excellent role modelling help in ensuring that all children understand the behaviours that are expected of them and most importantly why these behaviours will help them to be successful in their learning.

We have a responsibility to ensure that all children develop the ability to regulate their own behaviour. The over explanation of decision making, and expectations plays an important part in helping pupils understanding of why certain behaviours are expected and in turn help them to make positive decisions around their own conduct as we prepare them for life and learning.

Instilling and developing characteristics and values that will allow pupils to be successful learners and result in them leading a rewarding and fulfilling life, is very simply, the purpose of our behaviour systems.

Recognising Good Behaviour & Positive Choices

At Grange Primary Academy we believe that a consistent approach to positive behaviour by all of our staff will ensure that the ethos of the school is adhered to. The management of low level disruption and its impact on learning is essential to ensure that all children are able to learn.   As a result, we use a range of both formal, and informal strategies to support positive behaviour in school.

We use the clip chart system behavioural reward system.

Each classroom has a prominent display of our clip chart behavioural reward system.  Every child in the school has an individual peg with their name or photograph on it.  Every child begins the day on ready to learn. During the course of the day, the pegs move up and down the chart based upon the behavioural choices each pupil makes. Good behaviour choices results in the peg being moved up one level. This may resulting in the pupil Clipping Off and their parents receiving positive feedback from staff.  Conversely, poor behaviour choices will cause the peg to move down one level.  The aim of this system is to be a positive one.  Everyone makes poor choices from time to time, but at Grange Primary Academy we are a restorative school and will work hard to help children learn from their mistakes and move back up the chart.  If a child clips down below Ready To Learn they are asked to Stop and Think, use Conscious Discipline strategies to ask themselves how they can be Ready To Learn again.  This may involve using the class Regulation Station, if appropriate, or just by making better choices, depending upon the situation or state of mind.  Should the child clip down again they will be asked to use Restorative Practices, in their own time to help support them to make better choices.  Ultimately, parents may be contacted should poor choices continue to be made.

Restorative Practices



We also use the principles and practise of Restorative practice that encourages children to take responsibility for their behaviour by thinking through the causes and consequences.  These principals work in tandem with Conscious Discipline to ensure consistency in all that we do.

Restorative practices centre around a set of key questions that help children think about their behaviour and understand how they can correct it:

  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking and feeling at the time?
  • What have you thought about it since?
  • Who has been affected and in what way?
  • How could things have been done differently?
  • What do you think needs to happen to make things right

Restorative practices in schools have a number of proven benefits. Children show:

  • Improved positivity, resilience and responsibility-taking
  • Better behaviour management
  • Greater respect and courtesy towards teachers and each other
  • Increased empathy
  • An understanding of how to make wrongs right
  • All staff are expected to use these positive systems as a way of promoting good behaviour throughout all areas of the school.


The Grange Pursuit

We also have The Grange Pursuit which allows all children to earn rewards, collectively for their class if they consistently follow our school values.  Stickers may be placed on segments of the board for things like 95%+ class attendance in a week, excellent uniform, completed homework, good behaviour and numbers of team points.  Such rewards may include hot chocolate, milkshakes, class buffets, film afternoons, trips to the park etc.

Other ways of promoting positive behaviour may include;

·       Team Points are awarded and a total is collected from each teacher every week and collated ready to be celebrated in assembly.

·       Social recognition - (verbal/non-verbal) - hand on shoulder, hold child’s hand, smile, eye contact, thumbs-up sign, speak to child in a mature way as an equal.

·       Tangible rewards - happy face stickers, certificates, badges, books, informing parents, whole school recognition by displaying work, marks in work books, wall charts in classroom.

·       Awards in Assembly ie: VIP of the Week/Term/Year

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