Protected Characteristics
There are 9 Protected Characteristics under the Equality Act; Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex and Sexual Orientation. The Equality Duty requires the Academy to consider how our activities affect the people who share these different protected characteristics and to publish information to show how we do this.
Equality Information
In order to meet our Equality Duty, we are required to publish Equality Information about how our policies and practices affect those with Protected Characteristics. To this end we have conducted an Equality Analysis to assess and demonstrate our compliance with our Equality Duty. A copy of this analysis is attached as Appendix 1. We will conduct this analysis on an annual basis.
Equality Data – Information on the Pupil population / Information about our employees.
Equality Objectives
As well as publishing Equality Information, we are required to establish at least one Equality Objective to address any areas of inequality, or possible inequality, identified as part of our analysis. Details of our objectives can be found in Appendix 2. We will publish Equality Objectives at least every four years.
Business Planning
During our business planning process we ensure that we take into account the effect of our decisions on different groups. We consider if there are any unintended consequences for some groups and whether our business plan will be fully effective for all target groups.
Further Information
Further information regarding our commitment to equality can be obtained by contacting Mr Latimer (Head Teacher)